
Showing posts from July, 2024

Wednesday 31st July. Llanes.

I thought this display of flowers very impressive.

Tuesday 30th of July. Tazones.

It's a nice anchorage here, I think I'll stay for the day. The winds for going east are better tomorrow. A genuine Portuguese Man o War, first I've ever seen, drifting by the boat. I was thinking of a swim and a bit of weed cleaning but there's always some stuff floating around in the water. You can't see it very well in this picture. I suspect these small seaside villages don't have any methods of waste treatment so it all goes in a pipe out to sea. I've probably anchored right over the outlet.

Monday 29th July. anchored in the Ria de Villaviciosa.

It's night time so I can't see what this place is like, but what a great name, Villaviciosa, I wonder how they got that name. Off to Llanes first thing in the morning.

Sunday 28th July. Luarca - inner harbour..

Bad weather yesterday so I brought Nomad into the inner harbour reserved for fishing boats and tied up next to one. Fortunately they don't work on Sundays so I had a sleep in.

Friday 26th July. Luarca.

There are five moorings (free - nice), it's peak season and I was worried they'd all be taken but I'm here all alone. Strange.