Thursday 15th of August. Moored off L'Herbe. Arcachon Basin.

No marinas near here, after a brief walk around town and an ice cream with Margaux yesterday I anchored well offshore.
Very responsibly wearing a lifejacket.
Sunrise at anchor.
Collected Margaux in the dinghy and we're off for a two day cruise around the Bassin.
The whole of the shore is completely taken up with boats and moorings and nowhere to safely anchor, we've taken a free mooring but now have to stay with the boat in case the owner returns.
Its a lovely spot. Today is a holiday in France and it looks like they're setting up a fireworks display from a nearby boat.


  1. Stunning sunset there! Lovely to have Margaux join you for a cruise. Are you playing lots of scrabble in the evenings? (memories of Scotland)

    1. I'm afraid we're both too busy on our phones.


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